PRF Wuustwezel 2019.
Hello friends,
Yesterday, Saturday the 16th of March 2019, it was time for the annual PRF Wuustwezel (B) meeting at the fantastic location “Bellekes-Hoeve”. This year it was the 7th time this meeting is beeing held for the Pijprokersforum-members. (Short PRF). This meeting is organised by Jan and his wife, both members off PRF.
This year arround 65 members made it to visit this meeting in Wuustwezel. Some came directly to the location while others wnet to the local “Frituur” first, for getting lunch. Most members where in at 2 in the afternoon, soon the entire area filled up with nice smelling pipe smoke from many diff. blends. A lot of good fun, laughter and conversations where made. Also a few members from a friended Scottish Pipe club attended this meeting. Similar to cigarsmokers, pipesmokerd don’t know borders, wich is a good thing. I very much like the international bond between all of us and so do most others too.
As time passes, the local Backery arrived with the famous “EWB & DWB”and the “AKB”… When all who have orderded got their stuff, it went a bit quiet for about half an hour, cause all where eating and enjoying their food! Miep, one of the barladies made a very nice peppersoup… And a special thanks for that, i loved it and so did all who ate it.
Right after the eating, things got back to normal order, pipe smoking, fun and good conversations. Also Massis (Nick) anounced the new 2020 Forumpipe. Each year a pipemaker is found to make a special pipe specially and limited to PRF. This year it is limited to just only 30 pieces. Together with Forumpipes we also have a couple of specially made Forum tobaccos. Sometimes very limited to one time only, but we still have 3 diff tobacco’s that can be bought in Germany, these are made by HU Tobacco. If any intrest is there just send me a message.
As always when having fun, the time seems to go in a fast forward and all good things come to an end! We said our goodbyes and thanked the staff, who made this day possible. And after 1,5h drive i got home with a very good and satisfied feeling. Until next meeting…
Best regards,
Thomas H.
p.s. Photocredits to Dirk (Bartender).

The great barladies.
1 Comment
Hello Tommy, twas indeed a great meeting!!
The prove is there, because the pic’s are there.
But as always, the WW meeting is a special crossborder meeting, wich in my view makes the WW a special one.
Thanks and till soon……….
With regards,